
Model Hamiltonians

This module has methods that generate several common types of model Hamiltonians used in quantum mechanics.


magnetic_dipole(dim[, B])

Local magnetic dipole Hamiltonian.

heisenberg(dim[, J, C])

Heisenberg spin network model.

jaynes_cummings(om_atom, Omega[, m, use_RWA])

Jaynes-Cummings model, one or more two-level atoms coupled to a single-mode cavity.

hubbard(C[, U, mu])

Hubbard model, fermions on a lattice.

bose_hubbard(C[, U, mu, m])

Bose-Hubbard model, bosons on a lattice.

holstein(C[, omega, g, m])

Holstein model, electrons on a lattice coupled to phonons.


bose_hubbard(C[, U, mu, m])

Bose-Hubbard model, bosons on a lattice.

heisenberg(dim[, J, C])

Heisenberg spin network model.

holstein(C[, omega, g, m])

Holstein model, electrons on a lattice coupled to phonons.

hubbard(C[, U, mu])

Hubbard model, fermions on a lattice.

jaynes_cummings(om_atom, Omega[, m, use_RWA])

Jaynes-Cummings model, one or more two-level atoms coupled to a single-mode cavity.

magnetic_dipole(dim[, B])

Local magnetic dipole Hamiltonian.